A brilliant lighting workshop at Rosehill!


We had a Studio Lighting taster workshop at Rosehill on the 1st March 2025. We tried out various styles of lighting using Bowens studio lights on the stage,
Demi and Rachel were fantastic and the staff at Rosehill couldn’t do more for us, it was very successful all round!

Here are a some of the photos taken by the people on the workshop…

My Photography courses are coming to Rosehill!


I’m very excited to be bringing my photography courses to Rosehill, in Whitehaven!

This venue is absolutely perfect for running the courses. You can see the courses on offer and book online.

Check out what else is on by visiting the Rosehill website.

Photography courses at Rosehill

Studio Lighting workshop



We have exclusive use of the Rosehill stage and with the help of amazing models, you’ll learn how to use external lighting followed by viewing and editing the photos in order to get the best out of them.

Book online

Practical Photography for the Serious Amateur



A 6-week course exploring some more advanced subjects including HDR, Night Photography, and taking a look at AI during editing.

Book online

A photography Workshop at Calder Abbey


I ran a photography workshop at Calder Abbey this summer, the historic Abbey is derelict and the house is in a worrying state of disrepair but the whole place has atmosphere in spades.

Spring ’24 Photography courses announced


I’m pleased to announce that the latest series of photography courses have dates;

  • Digital Photography for Beginners – 17th April start date
  • Digital Photography for the Serious Amateur – 5th June start date
  • Birds of Prey at Muncaster – a workshop running on 8th June
  • Getting to grips with your Smartphone – a workshop at Muncaster on 8th June

They’ll be available to book from April. Click here to book online, or click here for more information about the courses.

Beginners Digital Photography Course starts 1st Nov 2023


A new date for your diary…

Digital Photography for Beginners (WHI23C034) – Starts 1st November 2023

You can book using this page here (search “Photography” at the top).

These courses are run in a safe group environment and are ideal for you to learn more about photography, use your camera with more confidence and improve your pictures.

A good start to 2023 with the photography courses


The courses started successfully in 2023.  We have just completed a Beginners course and we’re starting the Intermediate course at the beginning of March.

  • 1st March 2023 – Intermediate Photography course
  • 1st April 2023 – Birds of Prey at Muncaster Castle
  • 1st April 2023 – Smartphone photography at Muncaster Castle

To book a place or for more information please book online.
– To enquire you can click to email or Telephone; 01946-506416

2021 Photography courses continue…


We’re now going strong in 2021 with a block of courses being completed already!

My next Photography courses running in Whitehaven during 2021
Industrial Heritage Photography Starts 21st August 2021
Digital Photography for BeginnersStarts 22nd September 2021
Digital Photography for the Serious Amateur – Starts 3rd November 2021

Full details are on this page here (please click).

These courses are run in safe environments and are ideal for you to learn more about photography, use your camera with more confidence and improve your pictures.

Spring 2021 Photography courses!


I’m happy to announce there are dates for three courses before summer.

Digital Photography for BeginnersStarts Wednesday 21st April. BOOK ONLINE
Digital Photography for the Serious AmateurStarts Wednesday 9th June. BOOK ONLINE
Photographing Landscapes of the Lakes – Starts Sunday 27th June. BOOK ONLINE

Full details are on this page here (please click).

These courses are run in safe environments and are ideal for you to learn more about photography, use your camera with more confidence and improve your pictures.


We’re back! Late 2020 Photography Course dates announced


I’m happy to announce the dates for the next series of courses are; Beginners course will start on the 23rd September 2020 and the Serious Amateur course will start on 4th November 2020.

You can see more details on the page here (please click) which includes pricing and details on how to book.

These courses give you an ideal opportunity in a safe environment to learn more about photography, use your camera with more confidence and improve your pictures.

New course – Lightroom and Photoshop for Photographers


I’m excited to let you know that I’m working with the Copeland Community Learning and Skills Centre to bring a new course to the local area.  This new course will concentrate on getting to grips with Adobe’s Lightroom Classic and Photoshop CC to get the best from your photography. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned photographer you’ll pick up tips and improve your complete photographic workflow.

News will be released nearer the time.

Online course booking and payments are live!


I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to bring my first online course to you and include online booking and payment.  It’s going to offer huge scope to deliver more or less any course online.  So going forward from this initial Introduction to Lightroom and Photoshop course I’ll be able to cover more or less any other photographic subject and cater for large or small groups and even run one-to-one sessions for those needing to brush up on their skills.  Please click the link a the top of the page.

Please get in touch if you have any suggestions or would like to ask for a course.

Big shout out to my good friend Lee Caller who was a huge help getting this off the ground.

Beginners photography course 19th September


I’m happy to announce the date of the next beginners course; Wednesday 19th September!

An ideal opportunity to learn more about photography, use your camera with more confidence and improve your pictures.

Full detials here (click here)

– Telephone; 01946-506416
Email; Click to email
Website; Click to visit

Photography of the Lakes


I have 4 short walks organised in the western Lakes starting Sunday 19th August. It’s a good excuse to get out with the camera with some expert tuition.

Cost is £35 inclusive and contact details are 01946-506416 and email copelandclas@cumbria.gov.uk

‘Serious Amateur’ photography course in June ’18


Wednesday 6th June is the date set to start the Serious Amateur photography course.
To book please telephone; 01946-595476 or email; Click to email

Digital Photography for Serious Amateurs is aimed towards those who may know a little about their D-SLR camera already and we show you some greater possibilities; we go deeper into some more advanced techniques including HDR, off-camera flash, star trails and multiplicity.
– A total of 11 sessions over 6 weeks (6 classroom based and 5 field trips)
– Runs on Mondays 6-9pm, the field trips are usually at weekends.
– Full price; £110  (£55 concessions)

First Photography courses of 2018!


I’m happy to announce that the Beginners course starts 10th January, the Serious Amateur course starts 21st February.
For more information on these or any of my courses please click here.

If you’d like to book a place please use;
Telephone; 01946-506416
Email; Click to email
Website; Click to visit

New Beginners & Serious Amateur dates in June 2017


A quick update that there are two new dates for your diary;

– Digital Photography for beginners – starts Thursday 8th June 2017
Digital Photography in the studio introduction – starts Wednesday 7th June 2017
For more information on these or any of my courses please click here.

If you’d like to book a place please use;
Telephone; 01946-506416
Email; Click to email
Website; Click to visit

Beginners and Studio Photography courses in 2016


A quick update that there are two new dates for your diary;

– Digital Photography for beginners – starts Monday 23rd January 2017
Digital Photography in the studio introduction – over two Thursdays; 9th & 16th February 2016
For more information on these or any of my courses please click here.

If you’d like to book a place please use;
Telephone; 01946-506416
Email; Click to email
Website; Click to visit

Beginners photography course to start


Monday September 19th is the date we’ll start the next beginners photography course.

Its your opportunity to find out how to improve your photos, discover common mistakes to avoid, pick up loads of tips and generally get more from your camera.

The course is delivered in a friendly and informal environment and is a great way to help you enjoy your photography.  The group will be small and there’s no need to worry if you’re an absolute beginner because others will be too.

If you’d like to come along please call 01947-595476 (leave a message with your contact details if you need to) or email your details to jbarrett@whitehavenacademy.org.uk

More detail including prices can be found by clicking here.

Spring 2016 course dates


Great news for photography lovers – new dates have been announced for my courses!

– Digital Photography for beginners – starts Monday 11th April 2016
– Digital Photography for the serious amateur – starts Monday 6th June 2016
Digital Photography in the studio introduction – starts Saturday 14th May 2016

If you’d like to find out more please click this link, you can also contact me to get more info.

Date announced for Serious Amateur photography course


Wednesday 3rd June is the date set to start the Serious Amateur photography course.
To book please telephone; 01946-595476 or email; Click to email

Digital Photography for Serious Amateurs is aimed towards those who may know a little about their D-SLR camera already and we show you some greater possibilities; we go deeper into some more advanced techniques including HDR, off-camera flash and multiplicity with more use of software such as use of layers in Photoshop and Photomatix.
– A total of 11 sessions over 6 weeks (6 classroom based and 5 field trips)
– Runs on Mondays 6-9pm, the field trips are usually at weekends.
– Full price; £100.  Concessions available for over 60’s and other benefits.

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